Pocoyo: Las Mil Puertas


ORIGEN: Amazon (ver producto)

ENTREGA: De 7 a 15 días laborables, comprendidos de lunes a viernes.

  • Each interactive story in the Pocoyo Collection has 20 pages packed with various animations, sounds, music, narrations, texts, and many more surprises that will fascinate your child. Children can read the texts by themselves or choose to listen to the voice of the narrator.
  • Pocoyo´s Adventures is a great introduction for younger children who are beginning to read. Through these extraordinary adventures with Pocoyo and his friends your child can learn other languages and expand their imagination while having fun!

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Pocoyo: Las Mil Puertas


ORIGEN: Amazon (ver producto)

ENTREGA: De 7 a 15 días laborables, comprendidos de lunes a viernes.

  • Each interactive story in the Pocoyo Collection has 20 pages packed with various animations, sounds, music, narrations, texts, and many more surprises that will fascinate your child. Children can read the texts by themselves or choose to listen to the voice of the narrator.
  • Pocoyo´s Adventures is a great introduction for younger children who are beginning to read. Through these extraordinary adventures with Pocoyo and his friends your child can learn other languages and expand their imagination while having fun!

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Marca: Zinkia Entertainment S.A.

Fabricante: Zinkia Entertainment S.A.

Categoría: Apps de Información y Reseñas de Libros

Grupo: Aplicaciones móviles

Pieza / parte: com.playtales.hd.es.pocoyopuertas

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